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7th_Heaven_-_S02E17_-_Nothing_Endures_But_Change from 7th.Heaven - MobileTvShows
7th.Heaven - S02E17 - Nothing Endures But Change.mp4
Plot Summary: After Simon's school project volcano is carelessly ruined by brainless Ruthie, it's time for him to move to his own room. He's less happy with the isolated attic he's supposed to go to, but Matt agrees to move there and hand over his room, eager to 'move' to an out of state college anyway. Wilson calls Mary, but only to babysit Billy while he takes his date to her prom. Despite home advice, Mary performs miserably, yet Wilson returns early, having decided he only wants a girl who tells he family about Billy. Lucy desperately recruits enough big sibling support to get ...
Release Date: 2 Mar. 1998
Directors: Stephen Collins
Writers: Brenda Hampton, Heather Conkie
Starcast: Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Barry Watson


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