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Beyblade 117 [017] a score to settle from Beyblade - MobileTvShows
Beyblade - S01E17 - Same Old Dirty Tricks....avi
Plot Summary: The BBA Revolution are slated to face the sneaky Barthez Battalion, but while Hilary and Kenny want to report their dirty deeds to the authorities, Tyson believes the best way to teach them a lesson is to beat them fair and square... But that's before he really sees how low the team will sink to win. When Mathilda blows up her beyblade on purpose, just to cause damage to Daichi's Strata Dragoon, Tyson and his team are shocked... But Tyson stands his ground! Although Daichi wants to give Jean Paul Barthez himself a piece of his mind... Tyson holds him back, knowing ...
Release Date: 28 Apr. 2003


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