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7th Heaven - S02E13 - Stuck in the Middle with You from 7th.Heaven - MobileTvShows
7th.Heaven - S02E13 - Stuck in the Middle with You.mp4
Plot Summary: Simon and Ruthie's hope to keep the pair of 'pet' lizards a classmate of her offered for free are frustrated. Jimmy Moon has dumped his girl, so Lucy hopes to get him back at last, but 'biker' Rod decides it's time to make his move too. Matt and Mary coach different suitors, while Simon takes betting scores. Eric's group session for couples who married the last year starts bored, but soon unleashes frustrations with all of them. He brings Annie along as 'good example', but her surprise-visiting pa's offer to have them buried alongside him causes frictions in their own...
Release Date: 26 Jan. 1998
Directors: Harry Harris
Writers: Brenda Hampton
Starcast: Stephen Collins, Catherine Hicks, Barry Watson


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