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Wet Hot American Summer - S01E08 from Wet Hot American Summer - MobileTvShows
Wet Hot American Summer
Wet Hot American Summer - S01E08 - Day Is Done.webm
Plot Summary: The Falcon, indeed, killed the lawyer and he got all targets but two: Steve and Beth. The President orders The Falcon and his Special Ops crew to decimate Camp Firewood and destroy the waste. Neil and Shari enjoy a field of dreams without a baseball or bat. During the first wave of the military attack, Falcon and Gene kick it around ninja 865-DELTA style. During the Camp Tigerclaw attack, in clear violation of the 1978 peace Accord of Lake Winnisuki, campers wield their weapons. Let the squash racquets and nunchucks fly!
Release Date: 31 Jul. 2015
Directors: David Wain
Writers: Michael Showalter, David Wain, Jake Fogelnest
Starcast: Elizabeth Banks, H. Jon Benjamin, Michael Ian Black


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