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Code Lyoko - S03E09 from Code Lyoko - MobileTvShows
Code Lyoko
Code Lyoko - S03E09 - Sabotage.mp4
Plot Summary: When XANA sabotages the supercomputer, weird bugs begin cropping up in Lyoko. With its power rapidly draining, Jeremie needs to repair it before it becomes completely useless. However, he seems to forget about boys' dorm inspection, so Jim forces him to stay behind. Meanwhile, XANA possesses vines to trip up the rest of the group, except Aelita. Since the attack keeps draining power from the supercomputer, with no other choice, Aelita purposefully wipes out the Ice Sector leaving only the Mountain Sector left.
Release Date: 17 Oct. 2006
Directors: Jérôme Mouscadet
Writers: Sophie Decroisette, Bruno Regeste, Thomas Romain
Starcast: David Gasman, Matthew Géczy, Mirabelle Kirkland


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