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Cyberchase - S02E12 from Cyberchase - MobileTvShows
Cyberchase - S02E12 - The Guilty Party.mp4
Plot Summary: Hacker returns to Poddleville with a peace offering: a magnificent statue of the Mayor of Poddleville. But at the unveiling party, Hacker accuses someone of stealing the key to his recharger chair. The accused claims he's innocent. Like Sherlock Holmes and Watson, the kids and Digit investigate the crime by interviewing eyewitnesses and recreating the crime scene. But the more they investigate - the more the accused is placed at the scene of the crime. Everyone saw him. It appears that Hacker has nailed the right man. But has he? And what's that strange noise coming ...
Release Date: 2003
Directors: Larry Jacobs
Writers: Barry Harman, George Arthur Bloom, Kristin Laskas Martin
Starcast: Bianca DeGroat, Novie Edwards, Gilbert Gottfried


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