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Bbc Life - S01E04 from BBC Life - MobileTvShows
BBC Life
BBC Life - S01E04 - Fish.mp4
Plot Summary: Countless fish fill the seas and almost all other waters on the blue planet, some even visit or invade bordering land. Evolution created a huge variety in size, shape, defense means etc., fit for varies ways of life in all kinds of waters, allowing camouflage, shelter etc. They occupy various positions in aquatic and related food chains, eaten by and/or eating other fish and vertebrates, crustaceans etc. Other relationships are parasitic or symbiotic. Some know role-reversal, with males caring for eggs and/or hatchlings. Many species live in huge schools, often for ...
Release Date: 2 Nov. 2009
Writers: Paul Spillenger
Starcast: David Attenborough, Doug Anderson, Anthony Mendillo


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