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The A team - S03E13 from The A-Team - MobileTvShows
The A-Team
The A-Team - S03E13 - Breakout!.webm
Plot Summary: While BA drives to Hollywood, where Face is having a ball, Murdock's rabbits foot doesn't stop him and the black van from getting hijacked by bank-robber Logan and his mate Malcolm; just chasing them gets both A-team members arrested, and the sheriff believes they initiated the ride, so they're packed off to a work farm too, while BA's fingerprints can't fail to alert Decker. Hannibal impersonates the colonel, but is too late - inside, they see an accomplice free the crooks but handcuff both of them, forced to bring a shot guard to the hospital but they escape there. ...
Release Date: 9 May 1987
Directors: Dennis Donnelly
Writers: Frank Lupo, Stephen J. Cannell, Mark Jones
Starcast: George Peppard, Dirk Benedict, Dwight Schultz


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