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The West Wing - S03E12 from The West Wing - MobileTvShows
The West Wing
The West Wing - S03E12 - 100,000 Airplanes.mp4
Plot Summary: On the night of the State of the Union, Sam has to explain the process of writing the speech and grading reaction to it to a magazine reporter (Traylor Howard) throughout the evening; C.J. arranged the coverage aware that the reporter, Lisa Sherbourn, is Sam's ex-fiancée; flashing back to the speechwriting process, we see the president dining with several of Abbey's medical colleagues, and they ponder the future of cancer research, motivating Bartlet to ask that a section be added to the SOTU in which he calls for U.S. scientists to find a cancer cure by 2012; the ...
Release Date: 16 Jan. 2002


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