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The West Wing - S02E17 from The West Wing - MobileTvShows
The West Wing
The West Wing - S02E17 - The Stackhouse Filibuster.webm
Plot Summary: Josh finalizes a $6B health care plan that has strong support from both parties in both houses and appears to be a slam dunk for passage, but 78-year-old Senator Howard Stackhouse pulls a last-minute surprise--he wants money added for autism research or he'll filibuster. Thinking it's just a bluff, Josh blows off the senator, who then filibusters for more than eight hours while the WW staff waits desperately to begin their weekend with the episode unfolding as staffers write e-mails to their family members describing the evening's action. Elsewhere, Sam tries to ...
Release Date: 14 Mar. 2001


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