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The O C - S01E05 from The O.C. - MobileTvShows
The O.C.
The O.C. - S01E05 - The Outsider.mp4
Plot Summary: Ryan takes a job at the Crab Shack diner where a co-worker, named Donnie, might mean bad news for the Newport kids when he takes Ryan and Seth out to party queen Holly Fischer's parties where drugs and alcohol flow freely. Ryan asks Marissa out on a date, and when Luke again tries to intervene, Donnie decides to take matters in his own hands when he tries to starve off Luke... with a gun. Meanwhile, Sandy attempts to help Jimmy sort out his life, and gives him some bad news that be may go to jail for his unauthorized loans to cover his tracks. Also, Julie reveals a ...
Release Date: 2 Sep. 2003


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