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Cardinal - S01E02 from Cardinal - MobileTvShows
Cardinal - S01E02 - Delorme.webm
Plot Summary: Cardinal and Delorme attend Todd Curry’s autopsy in Toronto. It’s a stressful balancing act for Delorme, trying to help Cardinal catch a murderer while feeling the pressure from her Special Investigations Sergeant Malcolm Musgrave to ramp up her investigation into her partner. The autopsy confirms Cardinal’s hunch about the connection between the murders of Todd Curry and Katie Pine, and the pair return to Algonquin Bay as Dyson tries to make amends with the community for the botched investigation into Katie Pine’s disappearance. Investigating the case together, Delorme tries to gain Cardinal’s trust to help her investigation. She lucks into an opportunity to tail Cardinal and takes it, against Musgrave’s orders. She discovers that he’s laundering money through a nearby casino – but has Cardinal discovered her as well?
Release Date: 2017-02-01


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